Monthly Archives: February 2016

Why do we need editors?

brown book page

Photo by Wendy van Zyl on

You know that last book you read? Did you really enjoy it?

Did something you couldn’t quite put your finger on make it just that little bit more… readable? Sure, you’ve read books with more characters and loads of detailed description and they were OK, but there was something about this which really worked.

Okay, maybe it was down to that most reliable of things which makes a book – a good story. Chances are though, it was edited too.

“What!?” I hear you cry incredulously. “You mean some things aren’t edited?”

Yes, really. There’s no taking raw talent away from a writer but no matter how original the idea, how good the narrative or how strong the characters, a good editor can be the difference between your e-book getting up there in the Amazon star ratings and getting your initially enthusiastic readers a little lost along the way.

After all, we live in busy times. Many readers want to dedicate their hard-earned book time to something which they think is worth their while.

This may all seem obvious, but the truth is, many authors who’ve put blood, sweat and tears (not to mention time) into their novels have done so without the help of an editor. The story’s still there but it’s missing something and it’s that missing ‘something’ that could be the difference between your reader abandoning ship for another of the many books out there on the great E-reader sea.

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